The South Australian Oyster Growers Association (SAOGA) seeks to ensure:
- A sustainable oyster farming industry in South Australia
- Minimum environmental impact from oyster farming
- Equitable access to new farming opportunities
- A secure and certain business environment for current and future investors in oyster farming
Food Health
Occupational Health & Safety
SAOGA Executive Committee
SAOGA membership
- Environmental Management
- South Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (SASQAP) & Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program
- State Laws & Regulations
- Best Practice Farm Management
- Public Relations
- Site Rehabilitation Scheme (SAOGA holds monies in Trust for members who contribute to the scheme, which then meets relevant licence conditions)
- Policy Development
- Compliance
- Compliance
- Transport SA
- Cost Recovery (fee setting)
- Licence & Tenure Conditions
- Lease Tenure
- Marketing / Product Promotion (SA Seafood Food Plan)
- Research & Development, South Australian Oyster Research Council (SAORC)
- Food Health Act & Regulations
- Native Title
SAOGA produces a quarterly newsletter containing important information of relevance to growers. The newsletter ensures all growers are aware and up-to-date with industry based issues and initiatives.
SAOGA holds an annual Seminar at various Bays across the State and an Information Day held in Port Lincoln. Both of which provide a forum for communication between all levels and aspects of the industry.
Membership Fees: Membership fees are calculated per individual lease. Please contact accounts@oysterssa.com.au to discuss your specific requirements.
Associate Membership fees: $100 per year
To become a member of the Association please contact the SAOGA Executive on executiveofficer@oysterssa.com.au
Don’t sit on the fence, be part of the Association that works for YOU!