Board Members


Chairman - Peter Treloar

Deputy Chairman - Gary Zippel

Western Zone - Jocey Pocock

Streaky Bay Zone - Deane Coombs

Coffin Bay Zone - Sara Hetzel

Franklin Harbor Zone - Meagan Turner

Eastern Zone - Steve Bowley

SAOGA and SAROC Executive Officer - Lynlee Lowe


Chairman - Marty Deveney

Bryce Porker

Louis Robinson

Gary Zippel

Carl Jaeschke

Mark Binder

Independent Position - Tim Brinkworth

Observer - Steve Bowley

SAOGA and SAORC are governed by Boards led by an Independent Chairman and supported by an Executive Officer who manages the day-to-day affairs of the Association and the Research Council. The Boards are comprised of oyster growers and industry representatives from around the State.
For board member information please contact
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