South Australian Oyster Research Council


Through research and development improve economic and environmental sustainability of the South Australian Oyster Industry.

In 1998 the South Australian Oyster Growers Association (SAOGA) recognised that for the SA oyster industry to remain competitive and dynamic, research and development must be a priority. As a result, in 1999 the South Australian Oyster Research Council (SAORC) was established with the Board consisting of nominated licensed oyster growers and SAOGA as the sole shareholder. SAORC is funded by a levy on seed sales to SA oyster growers – approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is required for SAORC to collect the levy with the condition that the levy be set at no more than $1.00 per 1000 oyster spat purchased. SAORC’s core function is to promote, encourage and coordinate research and development for the benefit of the SA oyster industry. SAORC, through consultation with industry, identifies projects to be undertaken, sources funding from State and Federal Governments, allocates resources and administers research and development projects.

Our Mission

The Daunfarm Team

Jane Wilson

Sem sed molestie donec nulla vitae nisl tellus tincidunt tincidunt facilisi vel neque mauris arcu potenti faucibus quis.

Laura Kyle

Senectus at nec vulputate arcu id facilisi urna scelerisque elementum, odio integer faucibus tincidunt augue vitae, sed fermentum.

Daniel Oscar

Massa risus dignissim faucibus viverra non odio nisi quis aliquam quisque nunc, mattis amet risus amet urna semper.

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